While Someone is working someone is enjoying themselves
Enter description here While Someone is working someone is enjoying themselves
Enter description here While Someone is working someone is enjoying themselves
I am Dr. Plamen Glogov and I am part of the FOREST project team. We are happy to give young people a chance to publish their pictures and texts related to nature and its biodiversity here. Dear youngsters, each one of your pictures is not only an author’s view of nature and expression of your…
The history of the Earth is the interaction between living beings and their environment. Form, lifestyle, biodiversity are modeled by our environment. Looking back in the distant ages, the repercussions of living things that change and affect the environment have been relatively minor. In just a brief period of the past and present centuries, His…
Our project “For everyone saved a tree (FOREST)” started with International opening seminar in Nis on 04.10.2019. Host organization was our Serbian project partner NIIT Society Innovation Center. The purpose of the event was to introduce young people from the target municipalities Nis and Botevgrad with the current problems of the forests in the cross-border…
Изменение на климата и неговото въздействие върху компонентите на горските екосистеми (Climate change and its impact on components of forest ecosystems) Автор: проф. д-р Мария Грозева – Институт за гората – БАН Климатът на Земята винаги се е променял. Преди двадесет хиляди години голяма част от Северна Европа е била покрита от огромен ледник, който…
Our project “For everyone saved a tree (FOREST)” started with International opening seminar in Nis on 04.10.2019. Host organization was our Serbian project partner NIIT Society Innovation Center. The purpose of the event was to introduce young people from the target municipalities Nis and Botevgrad with the current problems of the forests in the cross-border…