International Seminar “Awareness raising and willingness for cooperation of young people for forest preservation”
The purpose of this activity is to introduce the young people from the target municipalities Nis and Botevgrad with the current problems of the forests in the cross-border region and to motivate them to take an active part in their protection and sustainable use as general, and in the project activities in particular.
The seminar will bring together:
– 50 young people – 25 Bulgarians and 25 Serbians; aged between 13-18 years; gender balanced national groups;
– 10 experts (2 youth workers, 2 foresters, 2 ecologists, 2 entomologists, 2 phytopathologists) – equal number Bulgarians and Serbians;
– 31 representatives of interested institutions from Bulgaria and Serbia – environmental and youth NGOs, schools, universities, scientific and research institutes, public authorities, forestry states, and other stakeholders.
– 2 moderators – 1 Serbian and 1 Bulgarian;
– 7 members of the project team.
The seminar will include:
– Discussion on topical forest prevention and conservation issues;
– Discussions about the link between youth, nature protection and management and science;
– Presentation of previous experience of the Serbian and Bulgarian young people;
– Games and competitions related to the theme of environmental protection.
The seminar will take place in Nis and will last for 1 day.
In the implementation of the activity will be used interactive presentations, role plays, group discussions between experts and youngsters, methods of public broadcasting