Яна Мариановска, Yana Marianovska, 12г, Растение: Malus Flora, TreesBy Alexander VasilevSeptember 15, 2021Leave a comment
Разходка из горски пътища, Бухово; Taking a walk in the forest, Buhovo NewsBy Alexander VasilevSeptember 3, 2021Leave a comment
Веселин Василев, Veselin Vasilev, 12г, Растение: Rubus FloraBy Alexander VasilevJuly 18, 2021Leave a comment
Христо Стефанов, Hristo Stefanov, 14г, Растение: Helianthus FloraBy Alexander VasilevJuly 16, 2021Leave a comment
Габриела Иванова, Gabriela Ivanova, 14г, Растение – Ailanthus Flora, Nature, TreesBy Alexander VasilevJuly 9, 2021Leave a commentEnter description here
Морски хабитат на Несебър с виенско колело, Marine habitat of Nessebar with a Ferris wheel Nature, NewsBy Alexander VasilevJuly 4, 2021Leave a comment