Nov182020ContributorsFaunaForest ecosystemsInvertebratesYouth0vc_row] Enter description here [/vc_row] Categories: Contributors, Fauna, Forest ecosystems, Invertebrates, YouthBy Mira GeorgievaNovember 18, 2020Leave a commentTags: Filip ChavdarovЗлатозадка (Euproctis chrysorrhoea)Филип Чавдаров Share this post Share on FacebookShare on Facebook Share on XShare on X Pin itShare on Pinterest Share on LinkedInShare on LinkedIn Author: Mira Georgieva Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Йонка Петрова, Yonka Petrova, Ръжда по иглиците на смърча (Chrysomixa abietis)NextNext post:Assessment of the health condition of forest plantations under the FOREST projectRelated postsСериалът ни “Пакостниците Пластмаси” еп.2February 11, 2025Сериалът ни “Пакостниците Пластмаси” еп.1February 11, 2025Сериалът ни “Пакостниците Пластмаси”January 30, 2025Potočna pastrmkaMay 29, 2023Stari grab u Jastrebačkoj šumiMay 29, 2023Jezero – Šumski ekosistemMay 29, 2023